The appeal against the planning refusal for 262-bed gated student accommodation on the former Leeds Girls’ High School playing field, swimming pool and sports field site (LPA ref 15/05863/FU) is going to Public Inquiry – likely to be in the Autumn.
The appellants appeal statement of case can be viewed on the Council’s Public Access website at (under the documents tab).
If any of us want to make further written comments we can use the online appeals service at Or we can also write, enclosing 3 copies, to the Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/10B Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN by 27 April 2016, quoting APP/N4720/W/16/3145119 as the reference number.
The Hyde Park Neighbourhood Forum has applied to speak at the inquiry.